
Fuels for combustion engines with spark-ignition systems are used mostly for passenger cars Slovnaft delivers only sulphur-free fuels (maximum sulphur content is 10 ppm), with decreased aromatic hydrocarbons content.

In order to improve the properties of the fuels special latest generation additives are used in the end product:

  • Detergent additives remove the residue from the fuel container and prevent forming of residue in the suction manifold and the combustion chamber. This allows to maintain the engine's optimum efficiency.
  • Anti-corrosion additives prevent corrosion of the fuelling system, extending the engine's life.
  • Antioxidants prevent gradual oxidative degradation and stabilize fuel quality during long-term storing.
  • Emulsifiers prevent emulsion's mixing with water which guarantees water-free fuel.
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