
For logistical reasons the southern part of the country is the company's natural operating area. Direct supplies from the refineries of Bratislava and Százhalombatta near Budapest are sent by railway.

Fuels are stored in four fuel terminals, three of which are owned by PERN: in Kawice near Wroclaw, in Wola Rzedzinska near Tarnow and in Rejowiec near Poznan, while the fourth one, in Radzionkow near Bytom is owned by a German concern named Tanquid. The choice of these storage bases was not made incidentally. It shows the care of SLOVNAFT POLSKA for its customers' convenience. These modern facilities adhere to the European standards of service, environmental protection, health and safety.

The very location of the bases in the western, central and eastern part of the southern area of Poland used by the company is also of great significance. This allows the road tankers transporting the fuel to recipients travel shorter distances, which decreases the costs of transport. Fuels are delivered directly to refuelling stations upon clients' requests. The entire supply system is continuously monitored so that the supplies are always completed on time.
