At one of the largest Hungarian industrial manufacturing groups, the massive production can only be ensured by appropriate equipment maintenance. Not only did the company’s cold rolling mill achieve significant savings in volume of lubricant used but also in maintenance costs, all due to the expert intervention of MOL-LUB Ltd.’s specialists, who, after identifying lubrication technology problems in the back-up roll bearings, introduced regular oil and equipment condition monitoring as well as the use of a top performance industrial lubricant.
The group, which is a leading company in the Hungarian steel industry, offers a broad range of hot rolled, dipped, cold rolled, dip-galvanised rolls and sheet metals as well as cold bended steel profiles. The oil-lubricated hydrodynamic sliding bearings in the reversing mill-stand back-up rolls play a significant role in the cold-rolling processes of steel sheets (MORGOIL type bearings), but operate in particularly adverse operational conditions. Specialists from the company and MOL-LUB set about together to remedy the problem. During their examination it was revealed that despite the sealing technology used and the pressure tests that followed preliminary assembly, emulsion was sometimes entering the oil systems which lubricated the bearings and thus the lubricating properties of the bearing lubricant oil was deteriorating substantially.
In order to reduce the risk of production loss and significant repair costs, MOL-LUB’s lubrication technology engineers recommended the use of MOL TCL 460M lubricant based on thorough laboratory testing. MOL TCL 460M has exceptionally good water separability which makes it easy to handle even in adverse conditions – i.e. large water loads – resulting in longer lifespan. In addition, the specialists urged the introduction of regular WearCheck oil diagnostics testing, since this increasingly popular equipment condition monitoring tool keeps tabs on equipment wear and tear, thus additional malfunctions may be prevented.
ISD Dunaferr
steel industry
mill stand back-up roll bearing lubrication
MOL TCL 460M circulating and machine tool oil