Monitor the status of your machinery’s cooling systems through regular coolant tests and reduce servicing costs by detecting malfunctions early on!
Using CoolCheck diagnostics, cooling system status can be continuously monitored and emerging malfunctions detected early on so it is essential to carry out necessary intervention to prevent or eliminate possible malfunctions and thus reduce servicing costs.
Cooling systems play outstanding roles in ensuring low fuel consumption and high-efficiency operation for the internal combustion engine.
Malfunctions in cooling systems cause nearly 40% of vehicle breakdowns. Almost half malfunctions would not occur with a well-functioning cooling system.
Too low or too high coolant or engine temperature are responsible for such malfunctions. In most cases, the cause of cooling system malfunctions is due to incorrectly selected, poor quality or out-of-date coolants.
With the help of our services, unwanted malfunctions can be detected early on. We deliver:
We obtain valuable information on the status of a coolant and the relevant system in use from the results of physical and chemical coolant tests.
Based on this information, we draw conclusions about the appropriate or irregular operation of machinery and correct or incorrect coolant selection.*
As a result of this analysis, we improve maintenance efficiency.**
*Physical and chemical parameters of the coolant keep changing due to natural wear so they might further change or accelerate due to inadequate use of the system and contaminants entering the coolant.
**Better knowledge of fresh coolant parameters significantly facilitates test result evaluation. Without this information, however, only estimates can be developed.
SamplingTake a sample from your machinery! For the sampling process, we provide you with sampling containers, a manual sampling pump and a handbook with an exact description of the sampling process. |
Forwarding samplesRecord data of the sample identifier and post them to us! Please send the sample container accompanied by a data sheet. Postage is free of charge. |
AnalysisPhysical and chemical tests of the samples will be performed in our MOL WearCheck Laboratory which is equipped with special and fast instruments. Tested parameters will vary for each coolant type. For Click here for further details! |
Expert opinionOur expert tribology engineers will analyse test results. Test results are summarised within 72 hours. Textual expert opinion, sent by e-mail, will – if required – also contain recommendations for maintenance. |
Changes in the status of machinery and coolant may easily be monitored because reports will also present the results of all the previous three tests in addition to the current data. Analysing a sufficient number of samples will also permit reaching general conclusions such as the need to modify maintenance practices, seeking other spare parts suppliers, etc.