
Why is using the right engine oil so critical?

The more types of engine there are, the more requirements emerge. New technology, higher engine performance, different driving conditions and operating environment, extended oil change periods – all these have significant impacts on the requirements of an engine oil.

Every engine needs an appropriate lubricant. If we select the wrong engine oil, the harmful effects will only appear much later and then can only be remedied through expensive repairs. Using the right engine oil can also contribute to engine fuel saving, help in preventing engine faults and secure longer lifetimes for catalysts.


A car’s Service Manual specifies the ideal lubricant for its engine. In this document, manufacturers define the criteria applicable for selecting oil specification and viscosity. When selecting the right lubricant, we should also focus, in addition to general requirements, on the manufacturer’s criteria prescribed for selecting the right oil and only an oil with the prescribed (or higher) quality may be used. The right engine oil is obviously nothingto do with the brand since engine oil must meet the technical standards prescribed by the manufacturer.
